UNAMalla 6

A 2D block structured mesh generator in Julia

System and Software Requirements

  • 8 GiB of RAM memory

  • x86-64 Architecture

  • Graphics support for OpenGL

  • Julia v1.6.2 and up

  • Jupyter Notebook

UNAMalla 6β was tested on Debian 10 and 11, Windows 10 and MacOS El Capitan.

Compressed Files

Installation Instructions

Steps for UNAMalla 6 beta

  1. Download Julia v1.10.0. Alternatively, juliaup can be used to download this version.

  2. Extract the file unamalla6 and the test regions in your home path.

  3. Open Julia v1.10.0 and enter the shell mode by typing ; to change the path to unamalla6

shell> cd unamalla6
  1. Enter the Package Manager mode by typing ] to activate and instantiate the new enviroment. This will download the required julia packages to use UNAMALLA 6.

(v1.10) pkg> activate .
(unamalla6) pkg> instantiate
  1. Enter the repl by pressing the backspace key. Install Jupyter Notebook 6 and its WebIO extension via Conda.

julia> using Conda; Conda.add("notebook=6.4.8";channel="conda-forge"); 
julia> Conda.pip_interop(true); Conda.pip("install", "webio_jupyter_extension");

Optional Step. UNAMalla 6β v0.1-0.2 use the external program DUDE2D for Automatic Region Decomposition. We provide a compiled file dude2d_nogl in the subdirectory dude2d for Debian 10 and 11. In order to use it you need the following:

  • Add permissions to the file dude2d_nogl to run it as an executable file

  • Install the packages libmpfr6 and libcgal13

  • Link the libraries:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmpfr.so.6 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmpfr.so.4
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libCGAL.so.13 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libCGAL.so.12

In other linux distributions you need to download and compile DUDE2D with the nogl option on your own.

Steps for EditBoundary.jl

  1. Download Julia.

  2. Enter in Package Manager mode by typing ] an add the package

(v1.10) pkg> add EditBoundary

Still can't use UNAMalla 6β?

If the above steps fail, you can use a Live USB with UNAMalla 6β preinstalled. Basically, you boot your computer from an USB drive to launch a Operating system (OS). This require the following requirements:

  • A USB drive with at least 8 GiB of storage (data will be lost)

  • A program to flash OS Images to USB drives

  • Our ISO image with UNAMalla 6β

We use a customized MX Linux distribution to launch our mesh generator in a Live USB.

Steps to burn our OS image to a USB drive

  1. Download our OS image with UNAMalla 6β

  2. Burn the OS image into a USB drive using an external program.

  • Windows users can use Rufus. See this video.

  • Ubuntu users can use the Startup Disk Creator. Advanced linux users also can use the commad dd with superuser privileges.

  • Etcher is a cross-platform program to flash OS Images to USB drives.

Warning: Be careful to identify the appropiate label for your USB drive in the above programs.

CC BY-SA 4.0 UNAMalla. Last modified: October 19, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.